
Claims management

An event of damage hits the policyholder suddenly and unexpectedly. Complete operating halls or facilities can be razed to the ground by a major fire. Even smaller fire and machine damage can lead to the failure of central production and supply units.

Such a situation, usually previously unknown for those affected, is frequently a precursor to a phase of "chaos". This needs to be tackled by reliable claims management.

Operative claims management concerns overseeing and coordinating claims once damage has occurred and is closely linked to the expert appraisal work and can sometimes overlap with this.

Restoring the production and supply facilities has the utmost priority in this case.

Our claims management includes the following services:

  • Coordination of policyholders, insurers, agents, expert appraisers etc.

  • Damage analysis

  • Coordinating repairs and replacements

  • Organising and overseeing the rectification and minimisation of damage

  • Recording and documenting costs

  • Project analysis


Our structured, capable procedures have proved themselves in a variety of cases involving partial and total losses, both in Germany and abroad.

The aim is to rectify the damage in the optimum manner in order to minimise downtimes caused by material damage and business interuruption.

Office hours

Monday - Thursday:
08.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
08.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.