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List of participants

A large number of representatives of the contracting parties take part in the on-site appointments, insurance brokers, experts, service providers, etc. take part.

The list of participants serves to record the persons with details of their functions and consent to the use of contact data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation DSGVO.

Agenda first date

The initial meeting is intended to provide the participants with an overview of the risk and loss situation.

The agenda serves to list the relevant topics and the schedule of the meeting.

If required, the topics can be expanded accordingly.

Catalog of measures / request for documents

During the initial damage inspection, a large number of issues are issues are addressed, measures agreed and documents requested.

The worksheet Measures/request for documents is used here for the structured The measures/document request worksheet is used here for the structured processing of the various topics and can be adapted depending on the individual case.

List of damages

One of the tasks of the company affected by the damage is is to prepare a list of damages.

This form can be used as a template for recording and listing.

VDS 2357 – Guidelines for fire damage restoration

The guidelines apply to measures and activities fire damage restoration and they concretize the specifications of the state occupational health and safety and waste legislation. In particular, you regulate the Personal protective equipment, etc.